
Kamis, 09 Agustus 2012

A photograph poignant, chimpanzees bewail the death of his son

Scientists were surprised when looking at a scene from a parent moving chimpanzees who are grieving. Shocking pictures that show how chimps grieve like humans when it carries the last breath exhaled.

Scientists already knew that the mother Chimp physical relationship building that is close to their children. Mother chimpanzee takes their child in her arms up to two years. They breastfeed their children until the age of six years.

But now, scientists know that chimps grieve when his son turns off. Scientists successfully filmed how grief a mother chimpanzee is left to die by his son who was only 16 months. Chimpanzees mourn the departure of her son was in its own way.

 Mother chimpanzee that continues to bring his son's body for more than 24 hours. After that, the mother gently laid the remains of his son Chimp on the ground. Then at close range, he's staring at his face her son.

 Periodically he returned to his body. The mother Chimp it touched softly her face and neck with her fingers to ascertain if her son did really have nothing.

 He then summoned a group of chimps to ask for a second opinion about her son's death. "on the following day, chimpanzees have left her body," written reports of the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics.

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